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May 07, 2022

Basic economics
When the cost of borrowing money goes down we get our arse's ripped out.
Now I think this was all a plan, because if a idiot who use to drive a lorry can see it surely you can. In the UK over 20 years ago when I bought my first property my mortgage lender would only allow 2.5x your annual salary. As interest rates fell house prices increased out of the budget of most blue collar workers, the result banks agreed to raise how much you could borrow to purchase property at now a over inflated price. This is now a controlled supply and demand situation controlled by Government, If government and local authorities slow down the amount of houses being built through ever changing planning law etc, then you have more money chasing a low amount of properties the price goes up, simple economics 101. So now as interest rise and people start to default on their mortgages homes will be repossessed, who will own this property? At a guess The World Bank and who are they in bed with, the WEF and WHO. Klaus Schwab has already said publicly "You will own nothing and be happy". To make this worse in the UK, here we have Mark Carney as the head of the Bank of England. Mark Carney is also a Chairman within the WEF. So I say again is this the plan of the WEF.

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